1st Class!

Having travelled very little by bus or coach in the past I was unsure what to expect from a coach journey of 16 hours from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguacu.  We were due to leave at 8.45pm so we bought some snacks to see us through a potentially restless journey.  Our coach duly arrived and our bags were checked on in airport style with each piece being labelled and stowed carefully.  We had the front two seats on the top deck and the two behind.  In all there were about 12 seats on the lower deck and 14 on the top, (the toilet was on the bottom).  We made ourselves comfortable and tucked in to a sandwich and crisps anticipating settling down for a rest as soon as possible.

 About 30 minutes into the journey a steward came round with a tray of beef and salad, and a wide choice of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.  Very nice we thought.  20 minutes after that he came back with a main meal of pasta and a top-up for our drinks.  Even better we thought.  20 minutes later, it was pudding time, and ….. more drinks.  By now we were regretting our early snack but thoroughly enjoying the hospitality.  With the lights of B.A. behind us and the children engrossed in the movie playing on a number of screens I decided to catch 40 winks, only to be offered champagne!  Obviously it would be an insult to refuse so I gladly accepted.  Needless to say I cannot think of a better way to travel and would recommend the journey to any fellow travellers.  With the movie over we set the recliners to maximum, pulled up the large blankets left on our seats and drifted off to sleep. Morning arrived at a gentle pace with blue sky and lush green forest, and breakfast.  No alcohol this time.  We compared notes on how the night had been and in general all of us had got plenty of sleep.  I spent the rest of the morning gazing at the changing scenery and reading up on accommodation as we had yet to secure a bed for the night.  Four hours later we pulled into Puerto Iguacu and I ventured off once again for a suitable hostel.  Our criteria for the most part remain constant – clean, local, safe, within budget and if possible a pool.  The Park Hostel met all of these so I collected the girls and we spent the rest of the day by the pool planning the next couple of days at the falls.